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Okla. Rural Water District Jacking Up Rates to Finance Their Fight 2 Sell Bad Water

Hughes County Rural Water #2, Oklahoma - Notice of Special Meeting 2/17/2012

Hughes County Rural Water #2, Oklahoma - Notice of Special Meeting 2/17/2012

Its bad enough that customers of a rural water district are still on Boil Order.  BUT for the rural water district to call a special meeting so they can vote to jack up the rates on the folks in light of it, is just down right cold blooded & larcenous-hearted!!    Never seen nothing like this in my whole life!

NOTE:  There are currently 5 board of directors of this water district.  So when I mention “Bd Members” or “the board”, this does not include Ronda Talley.  Talley is the newest board member elected last month by moral majority of the townspeople.   So she is not part of the plot to hurt the townfolks.  By the way, the entity I’m referring to in this Post is Hughes County Rural Water District #2 in Oklahoma.

Yesterday it was posted that they will have a special called meeting on Friday – Feb. 17, 2012 at 7pm  to be held at 709 Roosevelt St in Stuart, to vote to jack up the water rates whereby forcing the folks to pay for the district’s:

  • attorney who went to court to help the board fight against the townspeople (who signed petition to oust the board because they continuously failed to provide POTABLE WATER);
  • attorney who helped defend the board from having to pay for their failure to comply w/State environmental quality laws related to their failure to provide POTABLE WATER;
  • cost to complete repairs required by the State; which by the way, the board has yet to produce to the membership a complete finance report for the full accounting of all the monies spent and how it was used to directly provide of  POTABLE WATER; by the way, the board’s purchase of a weed eater don’t count.
  • Pending State penalties of about $8,000 for violating the law (for not providing POTABLE WATER), which the board more likely paid an attorney more than the cost of the fine itself;
  • To hire an extra  lawyer out of Tulsa, OK with money this district ain’t got, so that this lawyer can help fight to keep the district from paying penalties that was assessed for not providing POTABLE WATER.

This is the same board who’s negligence in providing POTABLE WATER got the only 2 eating places in town shut down because of it; and they damn near lost their business forever.

This is the same board who’s negligence in providing POTABLE WATER caused several townspeople to be unemployed when the employers could not pay them because THIS BOARD caused their employer to get shut down due to WATER CONTAMINATION.

This is the same board who could not even provide POTABLE WATER to the town’s only school; and damn near caused the school to not open in time for the children to get an education.

This is the same board who could not even provide POTABLE WATER to the town that caused the town to possibly if not in fact lose revenue in taxes from businesses that this board caused to get shut down.

This the same board who failed to provide water  fit for humans which has caused people to either bathe themselves & their babies in CONTAMINATED WATER if they bathe in their own house (if located in town) or they had leave the district to do this.


This is the same board who put the townsfolk’s livestock on death row by DEPRIVING THEM OF WATER in the scorching deadly heat.


They got to be out of there damn mind!!!   Personally, I have witnessed Haitians on their own soil, albeit with bad water, got better treatment than this.

Rural Water District 2 Hughes County – Regular Meeting – Stuart Oklahoma – 1/16/2012

The following is video log of regular meeting of Hughes County Rural Water District 2 that met on January 16, 2012 in Stuart, Oklahoma.

Hughes County Rural Water District #2 In Legal Trouble Again with Oklahoma DEQ

Hughes County Rural Water District 2 Gets Sued by DEQ

Hughes County Rural Water District 2 in Stuart Oklahoma is getting sued again, but this time by Oklahoma DEQ. The water district’s board of directors posted a public notice of a special meeting to be held on Feb. 7, 2012 at 6pm to discuss in EXECUTIVE SESSION the claim that Oklahoma DEQ is making. From reading this public notice that was posted in Stuart, OK, the District’s directors agreed on advise of its attorney to go into executive session so as to prevent disclosure of this case with the State of Oklahoma.

According to the public notice, the legal matter pertains to problem with operation & maintenance.

The problem I see with the board meeting in executive session on this matter is that the other party is the State. The state’s case is full disclosure & is a matter of public record. However, the Board had met on Aug. 2, 2011 to discuss similar DEQ legal matter, but it did not go into executive session. Moreover, the membership of this water district not only have a right to know if its’ being sued by the state. but they are entitled to know the particulars – moreso since a lot of tax payer dollars have been poured into this water district to get the water problem fixed.

Below is video of the 8/2/2011 meeting of Board discussing DEQ legal matter.

After Bruising Court Battle Oklahoma Woman Wins Landslide in Election to Rural Water Board

Few hours after bruising court battle w/a Rural Water District in Stuart Oklahoma over voting rights, Ronda Talley wins stunning victory in her election to Board of Directors of Hughes County Rural Water #2.  Mrs. Talley was 1 of the towns people in Stuart, Oklahoma who helped organized the towns people to form a rural water community impact panel (CIP) to represent the people’s voice to address concerns of bad water &  the ineffective board that ran the water district.

Hundreds of townsfolks showed up at the Jan. 26, 2012 open annual meeting & nominated Talley for office as board of director that was held by Kevin Morris. Existing board members challenged it by nominating Kevin Morris (incumbent) so that he could keep his seat. Talley’s victory was a landslide with over 85% of the votes.  She received 69 votes.  Morris received only 12.

More likely due to profound distrust of the Rural Water District board members, the county deputy sheriff was asked to count the votes, as many of the townsfolks witnessed the count & watched the ballot box.

Some elderly women (some widowed) were denied their right to vote at this election because the Water District said that the water bill was in their husband’s name. Its ironic because the annual meeting in which the election & voting was held, was at the town’s only Senior Citizen Center.

Election of Rural Water District’s Chairman Disputed. Minutes Not Approved at Annual Meeting

At a January 26, 2012 annual meeting of Hughes County Rural Water District #2 in Stuart Oklahoma, the minutes of 2011 annual meeting that was read by Secretary/Treasurer Janet Frederick were disputed by water customer (member).   After this dispute, membership voted not to approve those minutes until the board of directors  produced the handwritten minutes for the membership to review.    The member disputed the legality of the election of the water district’s chairman – Jim Wilson in reference to term of office.   Secretary of the rural water district read minutes of 2011 annual meeting that mentioned that Jim Wilson was re-elected at a 2011 annual meeting.

Another member – Ronda Talley, at the January 26, 2012 meeting  made motion to not approve the 2011 annual meeting minutes. The motion overwhelming carried to not approve those minutes.

Prior to this January 2012 annual meeting, most of the board of directors told the membership that they did not know when their term of office expired.  Many water customers in this water district had been questioning the legality of the term of office and elections of the district’s board of directors that the board claims to had occurred at an alleged prior meeting.